Monday, August 16, 2010

A few randoms.

Today I felt really good.  I stayed awake all day.  Dished out some advice to a former student getting ready to head off to college on Saturday.  Had grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner.  Walked two miles with Ashley.  Enjoyed the cooler, less humid weather on the porch.

Does anyone have advice for keeping a Charlie horse away?  I woke up last night with leg cramps again.  I bought some bananas today, hoping that might do the trick.  (Well, eating them...just buying them won't do 

Oops!  I really should have mentioned that the Starbucks drink in question (from two posts ago) was a Strawberries & Creme Light Frappaccino (with a little whip cream, making is a little more than light, I'm sure).


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Bananas will do the trick...and when I was pregnant with birthing coach told me NOT to jump out of bed and stand on my leg (as I thought you should do)... but you should stretch "with it" not against it... if that makes sense??? It hurts, yes...but she told me that it helps get rid of them faster than jumping up and trying to "stand it out"... I am probably making no lol I will shut up now! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Hanneke said...

I had them too, really hurts doesn't it!! i don't have such good advice like Julie ,lol!!! but I know that when you have them (when you're not pregnant that is), you should drink more water, at least that is what my sportsteacher told me???!!!

BRANDY said...

lots of bananas and water! Don't forget the water!

EverydayMe said...

totally agree with Julie... bananas... and streching...
{{hugs}} Michelle

Amy said...

thats my fave dinner :)

i read (and found) that stretching against it WHILE it's happening makes it go away. but it's really difficult bc you're usually half asleep when it comes! and it hurts so bad.