Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
Have I ever told you how much I dislike WalMart? The answer is "greatly". Main dislike tonight? Three lines open. Only one without an item limit. Lots of weekly grocery shoppers out tonight (including us). Also, lots of hollow, dispairing looks on faces. Specifically my husband's.
Twenty-nine minutes into our thrity minute wait in line (yes, I'm pretty sure it took less time to shop than it took to wait in line) Mike decided he needed a 3Musketeers bar. I told him this is what WalMart wanted, and if he bought the candy bar, they would win.
They won.
I saw this while I was wasting 30 minutes of my life standing in line. I am convinced that children are spoiled. Remember the days of eating through all the "bland" crunch to get to that awesome berry finale?
Those days are gone.
This sight didn't make my evening any better. Every year, I experience this sad, sinking feeling when I see that the school supplies have been stocked. My carefree summer days are officially numbered.
Here is my new plan for efficient WalMart shopping: (1) We get our cart. (2) I find a spot in line with the cart. (3) Mike picks up items throughout the store, occasionally stopping by the front to drop items off in said cart. (4) He finishes shopping. (5) We move to front of line.
On the plus side, I bought some makeup. So...that was fun. :)
Disclaimer: My WalMart experience is meant to be humorous. Please don't think I'm bitter about it. I just wish they would utilize a few more of the 20 or so lines available when the line backs up to the clothing department.