Thursday, July 29, 2010

Just my two cents...

Cute story alert.  :)

Last night at VBS, during the opening worship rally, prizes were thrown to the kids.  One of the kids sitting near me (we'll call him "Kid A") caught a pencil (yes, I totally question the wisdom of throwing pencils to small children), and a couple of minutes later, the boy next to him ("Kid B") took it.  They scrambled around on the floor for a moment.  So I took the pencil from Kid B and gave it back to Kid A.  As we left the sanctuary to go to the classroom, Kid A hands me 2 pennies.  "This is a tip for you because you gave me back my pencil.  I found it under the seat."

Also, my favorite discussion from tonight:

Ashley:  So how can we help people like Jesus did?
Kid 1:   We can help old people get across the street.
Ashley:  That's right.  But can we also help people who are smaller than us?
Kid 2:    Like jockeys?

Okay, so maybe the little kids are starting to grow on me.  Just a little.  :)


Unknown said...

LOL!!! Kids crack me up! You just never know what in the world they will say. Hope you VBS is going well and leading lots of kids to God. :)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!! Thanks for the cute stories! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Hanneke said...

Hehehe love those stories!! See little childeren aren't as scary at all!!!
Have a great weekend!!

EverydayMe said...

how sweet is that... and I love the 2¢'s... love kids that age... they are adorable...
{{hugs}} Michelle

Amy said...

LOL!!! love it. that's more of a tip than i sometimes got at restaurants as a server.