6:35 pm I walk to my classroom before leaving, and notice that traffic is backed up to the high school.
6:38 pm I get in my car, and leave the parking lot.
6:40 pm A nice driver motions me onto the highway.
7:18 pm I cross the bridge...at this point, I have traveled approximately 1 mile.
7:53 pm I arrive home.
40 minutes in traffic. For a commute that normally take 35 minutes total. Thanks to bridge construction that was supposed to be over a couple of weeks ago. Friday is the start of a local well-known festival, which is sure to draw plenty of extra traffic. If I leave right after school, I might make it home before dark.
bummer! Glad you made it home safe though! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
YAK I hate that!!! Imagine you would have that every day, like overhere hubby leaves very early every day so he avoids traffic!!!
I hate that...nothing worse than sitting in traffic!!!!
Yuck to traffic! Good luck making it home on Friday!
I really hate traffic... our bridge is being worked on too... and my 15 minutes turned in to 45 min... did I say I hate traffic...
{{hugs}} Michelle
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