Sunday, August 26, 2007

One week down...

...thirty-five to go. :) All in all, this has been the best opening week I have ever experienced -- despite the fact that I had to send work to the construction workers on the other side of my wall to turn the music down, and I don't have a door separating my classroom from the ag classroom that's only a few feet away. Now I just need to get lesson plans together so next week can be the best second week ever!

Mike is sick. He's been sick since Thursday. So sick, that he says he isn't going in to work tomorrow. If you know him, you know it's rare for him to even flirt with that idea. My poor guy! :(

Zack moved into his dorm yesterday! I think he's going to be alright -- he was nervous, but who isn't in that situation. Things seem to be going well. My only fear is that they'll kick him out for bashing in his smoke lets out a loud chirp every 2-3 minutes...I don't think I could blame him if he did.

1 comment:

owen,tania,caleb,thaddeus, gideon,hannah said...

hi Bekka, you left such a sweet comment on my blog, via the freckled nest comment. I wanted to come and see your world. Thanks for making my day.