Tuesday, August 23, 2011

6-Month Checkup

Yesterday I took Liam to his 6-month checkup.  He now weighs 16 lb. 13 oz., and is 27 inches long. 

Finished with his 6-month checkup. He only cried for a minute.
At least he got a cool Band-Aid out of the deal.  :)

This also involved another round of vaccinations.  My brave boy only cried for less than a minute, but later that evening ran a low-grade fever and was generally miserable.  He's feeling better today, but I got very little rest, so I decided to stay home with him.  Not a tough decision, really. 

And now for the cranky, feverish part... :(
It's hard to resist this sweet face. 

I think he figured out that shots were next...
I took the last pic before the nurse came in to give him his shots.  I think he knew... 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011

What we've been up to lately.

Our living room always looks like Babies 'R' Us exploded in there. :)

Went for a run after school in my Relient K t-shirt. The stress-relief was greatly needed after the fight that broke out in class. :P
Getting back into running.

Family picture!
Getting a Master's degree.  (Mike, not Liam...yet.)

Off to see Grandma and Papaw!
Visiting grandparents.

Had fun hanging out with other couples tonight (including @littlefashiondiary and @thegoranator ). We divided ourselves up by gender, but kept the two cutesy guys to ourselves!
Getting together with friends.

@littlefashiondiary came across this at Goodwill today. Perfect for those pesky instances of spontaneous combustion. :)
Finding bizarre things at Goodwill.

While Liam was with the sitter, Mike and I went on a date to see Harry Potter. :)
Going on a real-life-honest-to-goodness date.  :)

A few pics from outside my Art Walk display.
Showing my photos at the Art Walk.

Our new (to us) CR-V.
Buying a new (to us) family vehicle. 

I'm going to try to post more regularly from now on.  Things have just been so busy with Liam, work, and life in general.  But I miss sharing all these wonderful things with all of you!