As it turns out, there is now one person in the world who tolerates -- even
enjoys -- my singing. Since discovering this, we've been doing lots of singing over the last couple of days. We sing some of the stand-by kids classics. But I threw in a few other songs to our playlist...
When I got to the "haven't you always wanted a monkey" line, he smiled.
This is also Mommy's ringtone for Daddy.
I just sing the chorus...because that's all I know.
love these... and I know what you mean when it comes to singing... Rainee loves it when I sing to her... she's the only person I know who will listen to me sing her 'baby song'... a hymn I started singing when she was firs born... and every night... nearly 7 years later... she has to have it to go to sleep... love that... enjoy the singing Liam it is something wonderful... sleep well little one... sleep well!!!
{{hugs}} Michelle
Its sooooooo fun the songs you will sing to him!! We sing all the time here!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
This post and the post before it just make me smile:) Have a good weekend Bekka!
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