Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Gonna post about SISiversary soon...

...I promise. Still trying to get all my thoughts (and photos) organized. It was a wonderful, crazy, sleepless weekend, and I loved every second of it!

But first, I want to let you all know that the new Scrapstars challenge is up! This time we're going platinum -- so be sure to add lots of bling to your layout! Here's my page (that's little sis at graduation):

Tomorrow is a big day -- I have a special page to honor the occasion. Maybe a couple of "blast from the past" photos...who knows. I'll definitely post tomorrow! (Yay -- a guaranteed blog post!!!)

Today was a lot of fun. Mike has been "porch-scaping" (because we don't have land to scape) . :) So we bought some flowers. Then he decided we needed some flat stones to stack around the pots. Apparently the perfect place to find these stones is along the side of the highway, about 20 minutes from here. Then we went for a hike at a nearby trail -- it felt great! Came home, finished planting flowers and stacking stones. Took a nap. Watched X-files (so creepy today). Then we went to a small groups study at a friend's church. Very thought-provoking study. More about that later.
Oh -- I was almost late for class the other day. Online class. My last grad class. I thought it started next month. No, it was this week. I finished this week's work just under the wire! :O

1 comment:

Mandi Johnson said...

Hey thanks for the comment on my blog. Glad I'm not the only one who'd rather be happy and bitter and cranky! haha Also, yeah, I totally stole Christina's tool for that sratchy background look on the photo. :)